Friday, 10 December 2010

Passion Project

Emily you have worked particularly hard at Enrich this year. You had to strive for accuracy and think flexibly to design a game using Atmosphir. I was impressed to see you use your ideas from Atmosphir to programme a game using Scratch. You had to apply past knowledge to new situations many times. The process you went through was complex and you recorded the process thoroughly. All the best for next year.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

End of Year Reflection =(

Well, I guess this will be my final blog post...
This year has gone so quickly, it's hard to believe it's actually been a year at all!
I've achieved so many things, like how to blog, animate,make games, make and program robots, make new friends... The list goes on and on!
I've done my Passion Project (Making a 6 leveled game on Atmosphir and how it can link to a jungle maze game on Scratch.) and Talent Development (Making and Programming Robots.).
I think I have achieved my Habits of Mind goal, which was 'Questioning and Posing Problems'.
I think I have achieved this because I have posed a lot of problems, not only for myself, but for my peers as well!
I hope you have liked listening to my blog...
See you later!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Self Assessment

This is my Self Assessment Rubric, it shows what I think I have done and how I did it.
There are also some things down below that I think could change about my Passion Project.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

End of Keynote

FINALLY! These are the final pages of my Keynote. The first is about how I can share it with others, so I am going to teach my class back in St Theresas how to use Scratch.The second is a PMI on Atmosphir, showing good, bad and interesting.One bad thing is they don't have a lot of selection in themes. The third is a PMI of Scratch, again showing good, bad and interesting. One good thing is that you get to create your own characters and backgrounds. The fourth is a Venn Diagram of Scratch and Atmosphir. One thing that is the same on both applications is that you get to decide what goes into the game. The fifth is about the skills and habits of mind I have used. In both I have actually used a lot of maths! The last one says "THANKS FOR WATCHING!" But in this case, "THANKS FOR READING AND VIEWING!"

Scratch News

These are my currently updated Scratch levels. The first is the opening story, which tells you why Joe the monkey is in the forest.The second is the actual level, where you have to get to the finish, or you FAIL. There are no glitches and/or cheats in this level. The third is of the "Congratulations" screen, when you win. The level also has the option where you can pass, and it comes up with the fourth screen, which says "You Fail..." Try not to end up with that!

Keynote 4 pages

These are my new pages of my Keynote. the first is about 'Going Further', What I find interesting and what else I would like to know. The second is about reflection - making conclusions - what else I would like to know. The third is 'Sorting Out' or what I have found out so far. The last is my Resource Log, where I keep a record of my information and where I found it. Soon I will put up another four.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Reflection 9 Nov

Today was full of experimenting. I finished my Scratch game and found a way to export it onto an email.i have finished my Keynote. One thing I need to do next week is to see if I can set up a link from my blog to my Scratch game. Hopefully it will go well.Today I have used Metacognition, Striving for Accuracy and Persisting.